Sunday, August 8, 2010

I feel validated...

The past couple weeks I have been feeling like hell. Tired, hot flashes, anxiety, my hip feels like it's going to fall off (that's another story.), etc. I have had under-active thyroid (for the last 14 years) and for the past 6 months (give or take) my thyroid levels have been inconsistent. About 6 weeks ago my thyroid was way under-treated and my Internal Medicine doctor bumped my meds way up, to a dosage I have never had before. That's where the hot flashes, etc came in the picture. This totally stunk because the last 4 weeks before I had been feeling pretty good. Lots of energy, feeling great, assuming from going gluten-free.

I called and ask to have my thyroid levels checked again and sure enough on an office visit on Friday, my levels were way over-treated. I have never had an over-treated thyroid and of course the one side effect that I didn't get was weight loss. Figures. In the course of the conversation with my physician, she didn't know I was recently diagnosed with Celiac. I guess the GI doctor that diagnosed me never sent her my medical records. Here comes the validation. She said she was so sorry that she didn't catch the Celiac diagnosis over the years with my stomach issues, she (and other specialists) linked it to my hip surgery's, use of anti-inflammatory med's (for my hip) and ulcers from stress. She asked if I had the positive biopsy's and blood tests and I said yes, the biopsy's and both blood tests confirmed. She also said that the diagnosis put many puzzle pieces together with all of my miscellaneous symptoms over the years. Her thought was that she didn't event think of Celiac because I never mentioned diarrhea. She said from now on, she will not assume one has to have significant diarrhea to have Celiac. 

My thyroid med's were changed to a lower dosage. I haven't taken the thyroid med's in over a week, starting when I assumed on my own I was over-treated, even still with the lower dosage I am freaked the new dosage will still be too high. I hated the way I felt being over-treated but scared to be under-treated again. Not sure how it's going to level out (pun intended!), but will have levels checked again in 6 weeks. I asked her if the thyroid issues and Celiac had a connection and her response was that they are both auto-immune disorders but didn't think much past that. 

Long story short. When I walked out of her office, for the first time in 5 plus years of feeling like death, I didn't leave feeling like a nutcase with unexplained symptoms. I felt validated and it feels amazing. 

I was glutenized...

The last few weeks have been fairly busy with some what stressful days. I got sloppy eating out and paid the price, twice. I was glutenized.

Let me start by saying since being diagnosed in early June of this year, I have done everything possible not to consume any gluten in fear of the gnawing stomach pain coming back. I have wondered daily if I had accidentally had consumed gluten since going gluten-free with all of our eating out. However I think it's fairly safe to say I had not consumed gluten until recently.

We ended up at Shari's restaurant late on a Saturday night after we were starving and running out of options. The waitress was pretty clueless (not to mention stressed) when I asked about what was gluten-free. I ended up ordering a steak and salad. I asked if the ranch was gluten-free and she came back and said yes. The salad came with croutons and instead of sending the salad back, I picked off the croutons. Mistake. Big Mistake. Huge. Even though I know it was the croutons, I still wonder about the ranch. It definitely was not fresh ranch by any means. I won't even mention how bad the rest of the meal was for all of us. Ok, wait. The kids loved their milkshakes. By the time we got home, I could barely stand up. The gnawing stomach pain was unbelievable and shocking how quickly it hit.

This past week I needed a meal for the kids after soccer practice and of course had no desire to cook. After all it was going to be 9:00 pm when they got home. I stopped by KFC and bought a bucket for the troops and ordered a baked chicken breast for me. I didn't ask if it was gluten-free or even do a quick internet check. I just ordered. About 20 minutes after I devoured the chicken, including the skin, I couldn't stand straight because my stomach hurt so bad. I wanted to crawl instead of walking and I looked like I was about 9 months pregnant. The next morning I did a KFC menu check and sure enough, the baked chicken does contain gluten.

Being gluten-free stinks and I have my "poor me" days, but after being glutenized twice in a 2-week period, I will do my very best not to lazy about my food choices because it just isn't worth it.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pasta Craving - Pad Thai

I have had a pasta craving for weeks. I tried brown rice pasta last weekend and threw it out in disgust. Last night I made the family a Stouffers pasta meal and I wanted to cry because I couldn't have it. Today, I satisfied my pasta craving, pad thai!

I was nervous about going without having done any research before hand and knowing the place we go to for lunch doesn't speak great English. My favorite soup that they serve when you sit down is (was) my favorite. I had a feeling it had wheat (because of the broth) and decided to ask. Our waitress understood what I was talking about, I was doing internal cart wheels! The soup did have gluten. Just the fact she knew what I was talking about, I was fine with not having it. I asked about the pad thai and she said it was fine but she'd tell the kitchen no soy sauce. I couldn't eat more than 6 bites because it was so filling, but let me tell you, it was probably the most delish meal I have had since going gluten-free. And even better, I have left overs for dinner and probably lunch tomorrow.

I did do research when I get home and realized I probably could have had the deep fried spring rolls because they are made with rice paper. Next time, I know!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lucy's Cinnamon Thins (Found at Starbucks)

These really should be called Lucy's Cinnamon Love bc I am in love! And thank goodness I was in a hurry to get to an appointment otherwise I would have went right back into Starbucks and purchased every single pack. These babies are crisp, cookie goodness; and great nutrition stats per 3 cookies: 130 calories/4.5 fat/1 gram of fiber.

I found on the Dr Lucy's website that Whole Foods, PCC and Starbucks carry these babies in my area. Then on the website I find out they also come in chocolate chip, sugar cookie, and oatmeal. I am in trouble. 
I am tempted to go to Starbucks though and buy the portion controlled packs instead of buying a box.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Betty Crocker...I am Not

I don't think I am going to bake gluten-free. I spent so many years investing time and money into making (real) homemade cupcakes and frosting, I just don't think I have it in me to experiment with gluten-free baking. So for now, this leaves me with Wheatless in Seattle (gluten-free bakery in Seattle) and Betty Crocker.

I was just at the grocery story (Albertson's) and found the line of Betty Crocker gluten-free mixes. I was tempted to buy and slather a ridiculous amount of frosting on the chosen product, but I am going to hold off for now and wait for a real reason, like a birthday, etc to make. Otherwise with me working from home, so close to the kitchen, I am afraid I would eat the entire batch...within a few hours.

On a second thought, I should just buy it, eat it and get it out of my system, instead of what will probably happen; me thinking how I should have bought and then walk around the house from 7 to 11 pm feeling sorry for myself trying to find something else to fill the void.

So which one should I try first? I think it's between the brownies and choc chip cookies. I know I need frosting but both would appreciate frosting. I am sure of it.

Gluten-Free Pizza @ Alfy's

In order to avoid making random lunch requests all afternoon for the kids, I ordered Alfy's 1/2 price pizza for lunch. I also decided on Alfy's bc they have gluten-free pizza and wanted to avoid myself from grazing all afternoon.

This is how kids pizza's arrived... in perfect condition. (Excuse the missing pieces, the kids grabbed slices before my annoyance turned into posting pictures.)

I opened up my prized gluten-free pizza and this is what I found...

I mean really? I didn't even call. How do you explain this mess? As it is, and I am making a total assumption, would they think because it's gluten-free I must be extra picky? I did eat the missing piece, actually I had to scrape it off the box and eat it with a fork bc it was not eat with your hands suitable. Part of me is tempted just to toss it and not waste the calories on such grossness.

Update: I did call. I have a credit for next time.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Famous Daves - Everett, WA

We went out for a late dinner last night and ended up at Famous Daves in Everett, WA. When we walked in, I asked the host if they had a gluten-free menu and the nice "boy" looked at me with a blank stare and said, "Ummm, I don't know what that is." I let him off the hook and while were waiting for our table I did a quick Google search on my iPhone to see if anyone had gluten-free feedback from the restaurant. I saw a few posts and was somewhat reassured.

When we were seated I asked the waitress for gluten-free options, she gave a sigh and said they really didn't have options. I looked away and said ok. Then she went through everything I couldn't have, which was 99% of the menu, but I could do the pork w/o the sauce, the brisket w/o the sauce or the chicken w/o the sauce. The sides I could have were the coleslaw, corn-on-the-cob and the corn bread. No salads unless I wanted oil and vinegar bc all of their dressings come pre-made and they can't figure out what the exact ingredients are.

I settled with the pork, plain, coleslaw, corn-on-the-cob and corn bread. I could have 2 of the sauces on the table: Georgia Mustard and Texas Pit. I must say after the waitress had depressed me initially, I was quite impressed with my meal. I was full and satisfied. And I wasn't looking at the other meals and salivating.

That also being said, I went to Weight Watchers on Monday and weighed-in. I have done very well this week but after this meal I realized the coleslaw, and the 2 corn breads I consumed probably wasn't the best caloric options. Hmmm...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sushi (Well Blue C Sushi)

One of our dining out spots I didn't mention in an earlier post is Blue C Sushi. This is actually one of my kids favorite places to go. I admit, it's one of the places I preferred around our area too. Until going gluten-free.

(Side Note: Now while I was traveling for work, I went to some amazing sushi places that can't even be put in the same category as Blue C Sushi.)

We ventured into Blue C over the weekend and I had an idea of what I could and couldn't have. Prior to GF I had my standard line up: Philadelphia Rolls, lobster Rolls, California Rolls, edamame, and seared ahi. I knew the lobster rolls I love were now off limits because the "lobster" was deep fried. Philadelphia rolls should be fine because it's just cream cheese, salmon and cucumber. California rolls I wasn't sure because it's crab meat. Seared ahi, yes, totally fine but the ginger sauce that comes with it that I LOVE, wasn't sure.

Initially I just asked our waitress if she knew if the California Rolls had gluten. She said yes, anything with a "k" for krab instead of crab is imitation and had gluten. She offered me a gluten-free menu. Yes! So excited.
The menu only had a few things I would actually eat. They could offer me California Rolls but with snow crab, crab with a "c" instead of a "k". I ordered and so ended up so disappointed. The snow crab was ice cold. Presumably it was frozen, but it was lacking the creamy mayo base the regular krab roll had. Overall not worth it.

I wish I would have taken a picture of the menu. It was basically a lot of raw rolls, nothing with any real taste. The Philadelphia rolls were on the gf menu along with the ahi and edamame. The ginger sauce I love with ahi wasn't on the gf menu and I didn't even ask the waitress about it bc I am assuming it is soy sauce based which soy sauce has gluten, unless it specifically says gluten-free, which I am not going to find in restaurants.

I won't be choosing Blue C as my choice for eating out in the future. I would rather get the calories from food with flavor.

Diet Coke Addication

What is it with Diet Coke? I LOVE Diet Coke to no end. I drink more Diet Coke that I will admit in writing. I especially love fountain Diet Coke with crunchy ice and fountain Coke Zero (Thank you Target!). If I don't have a latte in the morning (which is rare now that the kids are on summer vacation.) I will have a diet coke. When we go out to eat (a lot) and if they have Diet Coke, I will have at least 3 glasses.

Diet Coke has zero calories. However I wonder if you drink enough Diet Coke in one day that you end up with calories. I have talked to my doctor about my Diet Coke consumption and she believes that if I just cut my consumption in half that I might just drop some weight, even though it's zero calories.

I truly believe Diet Coke has something in it that makes me continue to crave it and want more. I really wonder if I could just give it up, would I really drop weight? Or is it not worth to put my crazy neurotic self through it?

Mini Melt Down - Burger King

Last night, the kids asked to go to Burger King for fries and Icees at 10 pm. Of course, their dad bit and took them. I was hungry having just had some salad and fruit for dinner. I googled "is Burger King gluten-free" off my iPhone and only saw a few posts not to trust anything at a fast food restaurant because of cross contamination. Now I am not so worried about cross contamination as most gluten-free folks that I have come across in books and on blogs. I knew that I should just take the blessing that God has given me to avoid fast-food but I wanted to break down with the it's not fair cry. I didn't. I sucked it up without saying anything out loud to the family and poured myself a bowl of cinnamon Chex. It was fine and when the fam came home with their yummy fries and icees, I ate one fry and moved along, unloading the dishwasher. I got over it and happy I didn't indulge in the calories.

Blogging Freeze...

I haven't blogged in a while because I was thinking that there are so many blogs out here on gluten-free, what would I really have to add? Maybe I am not a smart "Googler" but I can't find a blog that relates to my lifestyle. Everything I am finding are stay-at-home mom's (NO DISS HERE! I admire stay-at-home mom's because I tried and couldn't do it.) that cook very natural meals at home or chefs that have amazing but far too complicated recipes for my families palate.

The reality of it is that we eat out a lot and I don't plan meals. I work from home and end up in the field several times a week visiting area hospitals for meetings, etc.

McDonalds is seen coming from our checking account several times a week but mostly you would see debits from Azteca, La Palmera, Bostons, Clay Pit, Blazin' Onion, Teriyaki, etc. Yes, we spend a ton of money eating out but it's just who we are and I don't see it changing. So I am trying how to figure out how to navigate being the only one in my family gluten-free with our food lifestyle.

Yes, for those out there, I know eating out is not as nutritious as eating from scratch at home and maybe why I struggle with my weight so much. However I know there has to be a way to figure this out, trying to lose weight, be gluten-free and not drive myself insane.

Even if I don't end up with 1 follower, I want to blog how I am navigating because I might just loose my mind if I don't get the randomness out of my cluttered mind.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Reviews: Janelle's Gluten-Free Market, Blazin Onion & Garlic Jim's Pizza

Janelle's Gluten-Free Market - Everett

I came across the website for Janelle's Gluten-Free Market, only 10 miles from my house; how amazing is it that a gluten-free only market is so close. I ventured in and I didn't have a welcome (or a good-bye) from the gentleman working behind the counter. That's fine - gave me the time to look around without feeling pressured. Lots of GF options (from baking, pasta, snacks, etc.) but nothing grabbed my attention except the Glutino Chocolate Covered Pretzels. I had them in my hand for awhile but put them back bc not only am I GF but I need to lose weight and I was likely to eat them all in one serving (I don't remember the stats but they weren't great.). Overall it is nice to know that if I am seeking a GF item, this is the place to go. I think the place was stocked with every GF item that exists.

Blazin Onion - Mill Creek Location
I was hesitant to have Blazin Onion for dinner but the kiddos insisted. Luckily we went at 5 pm when it wasn't busy. I asked if they had a gluten-free menu, the nice gal said they were working on it, and that if they are going to have one, they were going to do it right. Much appreciated. She did try to go over the menu with me and all of the things I could have. She was great and did not make me feel like I was an inconvenience. I ended up with a salmon spinach salad: salmon, spinach, tomatoes, poppy seed vinaigrette. Salmon was way overcooked (dry) but the spinach was super fresh and the dressing was delish. I will check back in a few weeks and see if they have a gluten-free menu.

Garlic Jim's Pizza - Mill Creek
So impressed by the gluten-free menu and FAQ. Seriously check it out on their website. They get huge props for putting the effort in. I ended up with a large (only GF size), garlic-infused olive oil sauce with mozzarella, spinach and tomato pizza. The crust (my favorite part) was way too over done, so crunchy I couldn't eat it, but the "meat" of the pizza was good. I will try again in hopes the crust isn't so overdone.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Claim Jumper

We took the kids to Toy Story 3 last night and headed over to Claim Jumper. I had heard they had a gluten-free menu, it's Claim Jumper after all, it has to be good.

The menu was very limited to 2 salads, roast chicken, tri-tip, baked potato and steak/lobster. I was disappointed. They have, what 6 pages of food, this was all the gluten-free options?

I ended up with the roast chicken (which I have been living on the last few weeks) with corn and mixed vegetables. It was Friday night and the waitress just didn't seem interested in helping, and I felt like I was being an inconvenience asking questions. I tried to order a side salad with ranch but she came back and said it had gluten. Ok - not her fault. I said how about a side Caesar (on the gluten-free menu) and it came to the table with croutons. My fault, I didn't request no croutons. I gave up, didn't send it back and gave it to the table to share. I have a lot to learn about eating out.

I left hungry.

Food Finds: From June 5th to June 21st

This is the catch up of finds from the start of diagnosis to current. I will update frequently moving forward.

I was hungry this week! I think my body has figured out it isn't eating the traditional items and looking for something more. Luckily I tried Indian and it filled the void. In between the Indian food, I had a lot of chicken, fruits, veggies, basic salads.

Claypit Cuisine of India - Mill Creek Town Center
Chana Chicken
We went to the restaurant one night, I had the left-overs for lunch the next day, and then ordered take-out the next night and had left-overs for breakfast the next day.
I did get a bad stomachache after the first 2 of 4 meals, but I don't think it was gluten related, I believe it was just the Indian spices. I have had such bland food the last few weeks my stomach wasn't ready for such a flavor profile.

Granolas - Mill Creek Town Center
After we were finished with dinner, next door was a store called Granolas, a natural food store. We ventured in and found quite a few gluten-free options. I don't have any desire to buy gluten-free pasta, bread, flour, etc. Not a this point. I am looking for convenience. My purchases...
Nanas Cookie Bites - Lemon Dreams
Most disgusting thing I can remember eating in my life. So bad, I spit out and ran to the fridge to find something to get the horrific taste out of my mouth. It took a while. Why, why would anyone think those could even taste good? Horrible.
Kinnikinnick Cinnamon Sugar Donuts (Frozen - 6 to a box)
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-! Warm up in microwave and oh-my, so unbelievably good! Even if you are not gluten-free, you must try. I might even send email to the company congratulating them on such an amazing donut. I would choose this donut over Krispy Kreme any day. (170 calories/4.5 grams of fat)
Tropical Valley Foods - Dried Coconut
So bad, my dog spit it out. Too bad it was $13 for the bag. Waste of money. I hate throwing food away but what in the world do I do with it other than throw it away? My family tried and doesn't like either.

Cinnamon Chex (Gluten-Free)
I love cinnamon sugar. See above cinnamon sugar donuts. These were good but I did add a Splenda packet to take the edge off of the rice flavor. This cereal will be a staple.

Food Should Taste Good Chips - Olive
Yum-o! With mashed avocado. I need not say more.

The Point of the Blog

We eat out a lot. I know we eat out a lot more than most families. How do I know this? When I talk to other families they are shocked how much we eat out and how much we must spend on eating out with a family of 5.

I don't cook well. I can make the basics. Tacos, spaghetti, butter noodles, chicken on the George Foreman Grill (Thank God for George Foreman Grill!), marinated steak, rice. When I do cook, I have never gotten rave reviews from my family. Really, it doesn't seem worth it and I would not rather spend the money on trying to create new items that me and the family won't like.

In my last 3 weeks of gluten-free research, I have found chefs, home cooks, etc explaining how to eat well being gluten-free. Going to the market, seeking out the freshest ingredients, flavors exploding, blah, blah, blah. Frankly, I have no desire to learn out to become a great home cook. I want to figure out how to feel better being gluten-free while living in my random, unplanned life.

I thought I would magically drop weight just by going gluten-free. In 3 weeks, I have lost 5 pounds and I have been washing my jeans every night so they are not so loose. My stomach bloat has decreased. However I do need to loose at least 20 pounds. I have learned you can be gluten-free and still eat unhealthy foods as I found out last night when we went to the movie and I googled gluten-free candy and discovered most crud candy is gluten-free. Dang.

I hope by creating this blog I will become accountable to make myself feel better.

Back Story

As I mentioned in "about me" I have struggled with my weight since the birth of my first child, almost 14 years ago. Right after I had her, I was diagnosed with thyroid disease. My weight has been all over the map in the last 13 years along with 2 other pregnancies. I have never felt well. At one point about 11 years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, unexplained pain. 3 years ago I was in a bad car accident and damaged my hip. I have had 3 unsuccessful hip surgeries and need another. I have declared myself a faulty model or a better description, "a lemon".

In Jan 2008 I started Weight Watchers and lost 40 pounds over 10 months. I felt and looked great. I lost 6 sizes! It was amazing. I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror. As I write this, I wish I would have chronicled what I did to have the motivation to lose the weight because I can't remember. I received a promotion at work in Jan 2009, traveled a lot, had a completely random schedule and couldn't plan anything to save my life. Today I weigh just as much as I did when I started Weight Watchers.

I quit my job in March of this year (2010) very unexpectedly because I was just fed up with it all, I was drained. I was off for 3 months before I found my new position June 1st (2010). In the 3 months I was off, I did not take care of myself for one day. I made poor food choices, didn't exercise and just continued (continue) to feel sorry for myself, which is pathetic. My weight and feeling like a lemon consumes me every minute of every day.

Early in June I came down with severe stomach pains (again) and ended up in the ER for the pain. Long story short, 3 day later I had an endoscopy with biopsies. A week later (June 5th, 2010) I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease confirmed by a biopsy and 2 positive blood tests.

Is this the answer to feeling so bad for the last 13 years?